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Corporate Information


INTESA SANPAOLO INTERNATIONAL VALUE SERVICES Limited liability company for IT services

Address of headquarters: 

Radnička cesta 44, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel. +385 1 636 0000

Address of International Value Services branches: 

  • ISP IVS Italia - Strada Langhirano n°1, Parma, cap 43125
  • ISP IVS Serbia -  Beograd, ul. Milentija Popovića 7v, 11070 Novi Beograd
  • ISP IVS Slovakia  -  Bratislava, Mlynské nivy 1, 829 90

Additional info: 

IBAN: HR77 2340 0091 1110 5071 4

Registered in the Commercial Court of Zagreb under MBS 081287872, statistical number: 5206219,
OIB 06646235276

The share capital of the Company in the amount of 13.272,28 EUR has been paid in full